The International Workshop on Wireless Networks and mobile COMmunications (WINCOM 2014) is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of wireless networks & mobile communications. The main purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss solutions and share experiences among researchers and professionals from industry and academia interested in wireless networks and mobile communications. The mosaic technology platform was presented as an instrument for cooperation on research and innovation projects. The dissemination of MOSAIC and Technology Platforms was performed via an oral presentation of Tonny Velin, technical coordinator of MOSAIC who explained the objectives of the MOSAIC project and the benefits of the Technology Platform for the Maghreb region. Mr. Velin made a presentation of the NESSI model as a successful European Technology Platform willing to collaborate with the Maghreb region. The idea of creating a Technology Platform in the Maghreb region raised lost of interest in the audience and several attendants expressed their wise to become future members of the MED-TP Maghreb.