Archives: Events

Joint Egyptian-Jordanian Workshop on Technical and Research Collaboration.

The conference was honoured by the Prime Minister of Jordan, the Minister of Scientific research in Egypt, the minister of higher education and scientific research in Jordan. Dr. Malkawi presented a lecture about the current ICT research landscape and he discussed the motivations of current research

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TIEC’s participation in ICT in Our Lives International Conference, Alexandria, Egypt.

This conference aims to disseminate awareness to different stakeholders on the opportunities that ICT make available in a variety of sectors in order to encourage policy makers and professional actors to pursue technological changes that can improve the performance of their organizations. The conference gathered researchers,

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International Workshop on Wireless Networks and mobile Communications – WINCOM 2014, Rabat, Morocco.

The International Workshop on Wireless Networks and mobile COMmunications (WINCOM 2014) is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of wireless networks & mobile communications. The main purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss solutions and share experiences among

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Coopération euro-méditerranéenne stratégique dans la recherche et l’innovation a travers des Plateformes Technologiques pour cibler le programme Horizon 2020 TIC et les grands défis sociétaux, Tanger, Morocco.

During the last decade, European Technology Platforms (ETPs) have played a major role in mobilizing research resources, technological development and innovation in order to establish long-term strategic agendas search and development that the European Commission is based. These strategic agendas identify key technologies with significant economic

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