Conférence sur les avancées des systèmes décisionnels, SOLAZUR HOTEL, Tangier, Morocco
The importance given by the scientific community and industry to BI is growing, as evidenced by the number of theoretical studies and tools on the market. Indeed, the decision-making systems allow the company to make decisions at different hierarchical levels by analyzing existing and past to predict the future. In terms of research, scientific events dedicated to decision support systems allow to consolidate the efforts of the researchers on the one hand, and secondly, to meet the aspirations of professionals. The conference on the Advanced Decisional Systems (ASD) is in this perspective. Nine years since the holding of the first edition of ASD, the success of the last eight editions encourages us further to continue with always the same enthusiasm and ambitions by launching the call for a ninth edition.
This ninth edition allows researchers have already participated in previous editions of ending up in the same context by exposing their latest scientific work.
ASD is also aimed at professionals involved or interested in the decision area, which by their pragmatic approach, will help the expression of new needs or enhancement of existing solutions. ASD is also an opportunity for doctoral students to exhibit and promote their works and make themselves known within this community. At the time of Big Data and new information technologies, many questions arise professionals and researchers to assess the impact on existing solutions and those to come.
The dissimination of MOSAIC has been done through an oral presentation.